2023 was quite a musical year.
From teaching and performing in Drum Corps, learning at the Wizarding School for Composers, composing, networking, and winning composition competitions, it has been quite a musical year. I am very fortunate for all the musical activities that I had been a part of for this year, and am looking forward to even more music in 2024.
In 2023, I had the opportunity to teach with the Seattle Cascades during their May Camp and Spring training in June. Due to this, I was able to travel to the Pacific Northwest in the United States for the first time ever. It was quite a beautiful place to see and teach music in! I had learned so much about how to better teach young brass musicians. The fellow educators I had the opportunity to teach with are wonderful people who teach at quite a high level. I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to teach with the Seattle Cascades in 2023.
However, I am extremely excited to teach with the Guardians in 2024! The Guardians are based in Texas, and participate in the Open Class Division of Drum Corps. In this corps, I will also be surrounded by a wonderful amount of music educators in all captions. This will be another opportunity to learn from other colleagues while giving back to the Drum Corps Community!

Additionally, I had the opportunity to grow and expand my compositional portfolio, creating even more wind band pieces for audiences and musicians to enjoy! Several fellow musicians have showed that they loved the works I have created, which lead me to reach finalist status on competitions like the Northern California Viola Society International Composition Contest (see above). Being able to share the honor of finalist with several amazing composers is something I will continue to be grateful for. 2023 is the first year I was able to be placed finalist in such competitive composition competitions, which is truly amazing for me!

As 2023 comes to an end, I have one more musical announcement to make. Earlier this year, I had entered my Orchestral piece that I had composed this year, The Warmth in Yearning, into the Silverling Virtual Studio Composition Competition. I had composed in this piece while learning from wonderful composers in the Wizarding School of Composers, and was fortunate to have this read by the Budapest Art Orchestra.

Due to the work I had put in mastering orchestration and melody development for months on this one piece, I am fortunate to say that I had received 3rd place in The Silverling Virtual Studio Composition Competition! As part of the award I received from placing in 3rd, I will be able to receive $500 worth of services from Silverling Virtual Studio, along with $50 to spend.
I am very excited to see all the musical successes I will have in 2024! Looking forward to build up on the successes I saw this year to propel me to even more musical opportunities. I am hoping for more compositions, arrangements, and performances of my works.
Hoping all of you have a wonderful, musical 2024!