Hello dear musicians!
I am excited to announce that I will be attending the Women Composers Festival of Hartford (WCFH)! At this festival, I have the privledge of being an auditior, which will give me the opportunity to present some of my works, while learning from several other wonderful composers with various backgrounds and levels of experience!
This festival will be heald between March 1-2, and will be held at Central Conneticut State University! This will be my first time visiting the state of Conneticut, as well as one of the very few times I have found myself in the Northeast of the United States.
I am extremely excited to meet all of you who are in attendance! It will be a great weekend of new music.
For more information about the festival, visit the Women Composers festival of Harford's website here: https://www.womencomposersfestivalhartford.com